Quick! Someone Hire Mark Grambau to Do Every Superhero Movie Poster From Now On!


[via ComicsAlliance]

Artist Mark Grambau has created a series of superhero tribute posters in a silhouetted art deco style, and they look fantastic. I would proudly hang every single one of these on my office wall, right above my collection of action figures, and just to the left of my Grindhouse posters. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like Mark is selling prints of these at the moment, but maybe he will in the future. For now, all we can do is look and admire. To misquote ComicsAlliance, this Venom poster would definitely make me consider electing Eddie Brock and the symbiote for public office. I also love the one of the Green Lantern because it has a beautiful golden age feel to it. And the one of Superman actually makes ol’goodie-two-shoes Supes look pretty badass! Click here to see them all!

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