Eli Roth Confirms: Thanksgiving Will Be A Reality

Yesterday I posted the first trailer for the Grindhouse preview-turned-feature-film Hobo With A Shotgun, a movie that promises to be nothing short of incredible. Vince Nitro commented that he hoped Eli Roth’s phony preview for the holiday slasher Thanksgiving would get the full-length movie treatment and, well, Vince, you’re in for some great news! Cinemablend (and many other sites) are reporting that Roth has confirmed that he’s doing pre-production work for a Thanksgiving feature film! Roth says:

I’ve been working on the script with my co-writer, Jeff Rendell, who plays the pilgrim in the trailer. And it’s me imitating Jeff’s voice [for the narration]. But Jeff has been working. I said that his deal is he has to work on the script while I’m promoting The Last Exorcism, and as soon as I’m done in mid-September he’s going to fly to California, we’re going to sit down, and bang out the script.

It’s still a long way from being a reality, but here’s hoping this project makes it all the way to the silver screen!

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