Trailers for “Monster Brawl” and “Exit Humanity”

After posting up last week’s Shouts From the Back Row podcast about Fantasia Fest, we received a nice little E-mail from Jesse T. Cook, who directed one of the films we profiled: Monster Brawl. Since Mr. Cook was nice enough to listen to our podcast and contact us, it’s only fair that we give Monster Brawl a plug, so here is the official trailer for the film. As we stated on the podcast, Monster Brawl is a great deal of unpretentious fun and if you want to watch 90 straight minutes of classic movie monsters wrestling each other, we recommend you check it out.

As a bonus, here is the official trailer for Cook’s next film, Exit Humanity, a zombie movie set during the American Civil War which has a terrific B-movie cast and should be due for release pretty soon.


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