Ghost Rider was never my favourite comic book character, and the movie adaptation of the comic starring Nicolas Cage was nothing short of atrocious, so believe me when I say that I had zero confidence in the abilities of directors Neveldine and Taylor (of Crank and Gamer fame) to bring the franchise back from total disaster. When Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance was announced, it didn’t even register on my radar. That’s how uninterested I was. But now the first trailer has arrived and…and…well, it doesn’t look terrible. In fact, it looks like a pretty fun time! And the special effects have certainly improved. Could this movie actually be…dare I say it…entertaining? I don’t expect a masterpiece here, but for an action movie about a guy who turns into a motorcycle-riding, flaming skeleton, it actually looks like it delivers. And I will admit to laughing at the pee gag.
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance comes out February of 2012.