It’s the last day of the year, and I can’t think of a more appropriate celebrity birthday for today than that of Park Jae-sang, whom you probably know as PSY. This South Korean musician boasts what was probably the single most-played song of 2012: that notorious earworm Gangnam Style. PSY’s career as a musician actually began in 2000 when he appeared on Korean national television after his dancing caught the eye of a producer. The following year he released his first album, titled PSY from the PSYcho World, and was promptly fined by the government for the album’s “inappropriate content.” Soon PSY was making a name for himself as an unusual performer and earned the nickname “The Bizarre Singer”. In July of 2012, PSY released his sixth album, and his single Gangnam Style charted at #1 on the iTunes Music Video Charts the following month. After the music video went viral, PSY was suddenly an international celebrity, and has since appeared on The Tonight Show, Saturday Night Live, Ellen, and numerous other North American TV shows doing the famous Gangnam Style dance. In December of 2012, Gangnam Style reached 1 billion views on Youtube, becoming the first video to do so. So happy birthday, PSY! You helped to define popular culture in 2012. PSY turns 36 today and, just for fun, you can add to the obscene viewcount of his music video below.