Elsa is a magical queen in self-imposed exile. Her sister Anna, along with a mountain man named Kristoff and his reindeer Sven, travels into the icy wilderness to find her sister and bring her home.
SNORE. I had reasonably high hopes going into Disney’s Tangled, hoping for something that harkened back to the animation giant’s earlier and extremely awesome fairy tale films. What I got instead was a Shrek-wannabe that was so obviously trying to imitate the Dreamworks formula that it even stole the famous Dreamworks face for its marketing campaign.
So here’s Frozen, from the same people who brought you Tangled, and damned if it doesn’t look exactly the same, but with snow. Let’s count the similarities, shall we? We’ve got the fish-out-of-water princess protagonist, the doofy guy with the floppy hair, the wacky slapstick comedic relief mount (in this case a caribou, it would appear), and the character who sticks out like a sore thumb from the rest of the movie and who is clearly there for toy purposes (the dumbass snowman). And come on, look at that title. It’s like they aren’t even trying! How much do you want to bet the next film from these people is a retelling of Hansel and Gretel called Baked.