We’re survivors


The Netflix model of rolling out TV series all at once has resulted in something interesting that I don’t think many people have noticed. With most serialized television, we eagerly anticipate each episode week by week, itching to find out what happens next, and when a season is finished, it’s this painful wait for the next one to begin. But not so with Netflix series. With a Netflix show, I tend to mainline the entire season in a marathon viewing session, and when it’s done I feel this kind of bloated satisfaction, as though I just ate a big meal. I’m not left immediately wanting more, but as soon as more is offered to me, I start to get excited. And that’s what happened with this trailer for season 3 of House of Cards. Man, this show is awesome. Season 2 was great, and I can’t wait to see what happens in season 3. Looks intense!

House of Cards season 3 comes out February 27, 2015.

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