The first trailer for the Paul Feig-directed reboot of Ghostbusters has arrived, and wow, the internet is already a complete shitshow. For some reason, this rehash of a nostalgic classic has turned into this big political storm because of its all-female central cast, and it seems impossible to have an opinion on it without it all boiling down to “If you don’t like it, you’re probably a man.” I hate that I feel as though I have to tiptoe around giving opinions on this movie because I possess a penis. Anyway, I wasn’t all that impressed with the trailer. I don’t think it’s going to be a bad movie, but there are a lot of things that didn’t work for me. I think that Kate McKinnon and Kristen Wiig look great in their roles. Melissa McCarthy appears to be doing her usual brand of slapstick, but that could just be the marketing misleading us like it did with Spy. Leslie Jones…well, I really wish they hadn’t resorted to making the big Black lady sassy, loud, and prone to slapping. I kinda feel like they resorted to a stereotype there when they didn’t need to. I also wish there wasn’t so much CGI, but that’s a common complaint that I have these days anyway. Maybe all these ghosts will look great in 3D.
So take from that what you will. This won’t be one of my most anticipated movies of the year, but it will be far from the worst movie of 2016. Just please don’t think that I’m sexist if I don’t like it. This is a dumb comedy, just like the original Ghostbusters, and that’s how I’m going to judge it.
Ghostbusters comes out July 15, 2016.