More Anger!

As far as biopics go, the story of legendary filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock is a pretty obvious choice. I love that the filmmakers aren’t doing Hitch’s full life story, though, instead choosing to focus on the production of Psycho. They’ve done a terrific job casting it, even if Anthony Hopkins isn’t doing the full Hitchcock accent, and I think this could be the Oscar Bait version of an Ed Wood-like story…but all I can think while I watch this is “Poor Toby Jones.” Toby Jones starred as Alfred Hitchcock in the HBO film The Girl this past October, but you just know that Hopkins is going to get all the attention. A similar thing happened to Jones when he starred as Truman Capote in Notorious the same year as Phillip Seymour Hoffman won the Oscar for Capote, stealing all of Jones’ thunder (for the record, they both did great jobs). Maybe some day Toby Jones will get the chance to shine without some bigger, more mainstream actor scooping the role!

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