Before They Were Stars: Richard Armitage as an Extra in “The Phantom Menace”

armitagephantom_620_121412Wow, say what you want about the Star Wars prequels, but it seems like George Lucas managed to give an awful lot of future stars small roles in the trilogy. You probably already know that an unknown Keira Knightley had a prominent role in The Phantom Menace as Padme Amidala’s double, but that extra in the helmet standing behind her in this scene is none other than Richard Armitage, future star of The Hobbit trilogy. You can spot him in the background at the 0:28 mark of this clip. Incidentally, other notable actors besides Knightley and Armitage who had small roles in the Star Wars prequel trilogy before they were famous include Dominic West, Rose Byrne and Joel Edgerton.


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