Fuller House is coming…


Netflix earned everybody’s trust with their original programming early on, thanks to the likes of House of Cards and Arrested Development proving to be extremely popular and very well made. Since Netflix tends to choose its projects based on their own aggregated data, my reaction to their announcements, even puzzling ones, is usually to shrug and say “I guess they know what they’re doing.” Lately, though, I’ve been a bit more confused with their choices, especially the Adam Sandler movie The Ridiculous Six and now…Fuller House? I mean, I know that Full House has a lot of nostalgia value for a lot of people, and while I was never a fan, my sister was, so I’ve seen a fair amount of it. But…Fuller House? What’s next? A new Saved by the Bell? Oh man, that suddenly seems extremely likely. Anyway…*shrug* I guess they know what they’re doing.

Fuller House releases on February 26, 2016.

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